Sons of the American Revolution
Welcome to the Washington State Color Guard
"Our History is the Nation's History, Join Us"
Who Are We?
Direct Descendants of Patriots
from the American Revolution 1776
What Do We Do?


The Sons of the American Revolution honors our Revolutionary War patriot ancestors by promoting patriotism, serving our communities, educating and inspiring future generations about the founding principles of our Country.

National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution (NSSAR or SAR) was founded in 1889 and is headquartered in Louisville, Kentucky. SAR is a non-profit, non-partisan organization dedicated to promoting patriotism, preserving American history, and promoting education to our future generations. SAR members volunteer untold hours of service each year in their local communities. SAR is very active in assisting veterans. We proudly assist teachers with living history interpreters, lesson planning materials and reenactment events for school aged youth to attend.

As one of the largest male societies in the country, SAR boasts tens of thousands of active members in over 550 chapters across the United States and internationally. Any male 18 years or older-regardless of race, religion, or ethnic background-who can prove blood lineal descent from a patriot of the American Revolution, is eligible for membership. We were on the leading edge in allowing DNA results to be used to prove descent for those with unclear roots. SAR National Headquarters houses one of the premier genealogical libraries. NSSAR is a Congressionally Chartered Organization and is exempt from Federal income taxes under the provisions of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.      DOWNLOAD THE SAR BROCHURE

By the way, you needn't be a military veteran to join the ranks of these modern day "patriot soldiers." All that is required is the ability to smile and wave a flag! On behalf of our members, I invite you to join our ranks as we strive to keep patriotism and the memory of our Revolutionary War heritage burning in the hearts and minds of every American, young and old. We believe it is our responsibility to bring public awareness of how we became this free nation and understand that it did not come free.

To find an SAR chapter near you, Click Here.
Color Guard Shield

Neil Vernon
Commander: Neil Vernon
Dick Motz
Deputy Commander: Dick Motz
Stan Wills
Vice Commander: Stan Wills
As An SAR Member
You To Can Do
These Things!
Come Join Us
SAR State Logo
Bellevue Area
(Cascade Centennial Chapter)
Send an E-Mail to:
Greg Emerson
Greg Emerson
Bremerton Area
(John Paul Jones Chapter)
Send an E-Mail to:
Fred Gilbert
Fred Gilbert
Kennewick Area
(Mid-Columbia Chapter)
Send an E-Mail to:
Larry Flint
Larry Flint
Mt Vernon Area
(George Washington Chapter)
Send an E-Mail to:
Bill Bentler
Bill Bentler
MukiltEo Area
(Ranger Chapter)
Open. None at this time
Olympia Area
(George Rodgers Clark Chapter)
Send an E-Mail to:
Eric Olsen
Eric Olsen
Seattle Area
(Seattle Chapter)
Send an E-Mail to:
Neil Vernon
Neil Vernon
Spokane Area
(Spokane #1 Chapter)
Send an E-Mail to:
Doug Jonas
Tacoma Area
(Alexander Hamilton Chapter)
Send an E-Mail to:
John Herr
Jeff Harlan
Vancouver Area
(Fort Vancouver Chapter)
Send an E-Mail to:
Larry Heckethorne
Larry Heckethorne
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